Thursday, July 12, 2012

I'm Running to Your Arms

As a Christian runner I struggle with what value my sport holds in my life. As my teammate Amanda Winslow likes to say "I'm not running for a win." Because here's the thing: I know that God doesn't care if I win a foot race or not. He has offered a prize that is much greater than an All-American or Olympic medal.

Today as I was running, I started reminiscing some great moments I've had in my still-short running career. I do this sometimes to make it through a boring or tiring run. I replayed the day I won the ACC Steeplechase Championship in my head. One of my favorite memories I keep is when Coach Harvey came sprinting across the field and lifted me off the ground in congratulations and we were both just elated.

I wish that will happen again. Please happen again. Please happen again. What if it never happens again?!

Then it struck me. It WILL happen again. Just not in the same place I imagine it. It will be when I get to heaven. Jesus will scoop me up with a greater joy and excitement than I have ever felt from winning a race. From this image my pace on the trail quickens. I will face the prize I've truly been training for my whole life. And it will have little to do with the miles and times I ran. To be sure, 1 Corinthians 9:24 is not about a 10k (although some people will twist it that way). It's about the race of a lifetime.

"Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever." 1 Corinthians 9:25 begins the rest of the story.

What happens on the trails, how my training goes, or where I finish in my next race does not determine failure or success. I'll only fail if I don't live God's words. I'll only fail if I don't love. I'll only fail if I ignore God's plan for me.

After these images and thoughts play out, I look down at my watch. I've just clocked the fastest mile of my run...

Today's smoothie was something new to me:
2 figs, picked straight off my Dad's fig tree
1/4 cup cooked Jasmati rice
1/2 cup chocolate soymilk
ice cubes

1 comment:

  1. I love this! There is only one "prize" worth living for, and that is eternal life with God! Running will always have its moments of victory and failure, but there is more to life than that! And funny how truly happy you are when you put life into this perspective...and how fast your runs go by when you really thing about it all! Anyways, love the blog so far! Keep it up JD! ps, I just HAD to buy a blender out here so that I can make smoothies, particularly with my new favorite: coconut-almond milk :)
