Saturday, July 21, 2012

Let's Tri This Again

Today I was something that I don’t often call myself: a spectator. The triathlon I signed up for a few months ago became out of the question last week after injuring myself, so this morning I found myself on the sidelines with my brother as my parents competed. Kind of backwards, I know!
2 weeks ago I was excited. I was starting to put in some higher volume training. I was feeling like I’d set a pr come this race.
Then, my birthday came and I found myself unable to do my favorite activity. My shin bothered me and since it didn’t clear up in a few days I got a bone scan to check things out. In the meantime I was swimming and biking to keep up. Until, I managed to pull some muscle in my hip. As I struggled to walk for a few days, it became apparent that I would not be able to take any part of the triathlon other than watching.
I spent several days inside in a sour mood. I tried to talk myself into a good attitude but it wasn’t working. Today I figured out why. I sometimes take myself too seriously. I was putting way too much pressure on myself and it took me watching 600 other people having fun to figure it out. I made this cross country season an all or nothing thing, sitting out last year and taking nothing in hopes that this year I would get it all (a dream season that is). I wanted to have my cake and eat it too. Determined to catch up to the rest of the NCAA all in one summer, I started training like crazy. 50, 60, 70 miles. Too much asphalt. Crash!
I didn’t pace myself. I made a rookie mistake in my fifth year of college running. That fact is what horrified me the most. I don’t have the results of the bone scan back yet to know whether it’s a fracture or not. Either way, once I get back to training, I’ll have to take it slower. I can't force things to happen. There are no short cuts in this sport. I may not run as fast as I anticipated this fall. But I’ll take that over not running at all.

Even though I did not race today, I made a mocha frappe worthy of getting me going at 5 am:
1 frozen banana
1 scoop Choc-a-lot Vega Energizing Smoothie
1 packet Starbucks Via instant coffee
1 tsp maca
¾ cup almond milk
8 ice cubes

Friday, July 13, 2012

What does a smoothie girl do on her birthday??
Make a birthday cake smoothie?
Nah, that's been done.
How about a smoothie with all her favorite things?
It just so happened that we had most of my favorites in the house, so I combined them all for one celebratory breakfast concoction.
Here's the line-up:
  • 1/2 cup watermelon
  • 1/4 of an avocado
  • 2 thick slices of cucumber
  • 1 spoonful chocolate flax oil
  • 1 spoonful chocolate peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 1 spoonful Hershey's dark cocoa
  • a dash of cinnamon
  • 1/2 of a banana
  • 3 strawberries
  • 2 pitted medjool dates
  • 2 shelled walnuts
  • 2 spoonfuls old fashioned oats
  • 1 spoonful wheat germ
  • 3 almond milk ice cubes
Into the blender everything went.
The result.

So, did it taste good?
Does this answer your question?
My horoscope today says: Few work harder than you to make other people's lives better in rather obvious ways. Gifts and surprises will trickle in over the next four weeks. There's a financial boost in August. You'll commune with nature in September. A windfall happens in January. Taurus and Libra people adore you.

I hope this is true.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

I'm Running to Your Arms

As a Christian runner I struggle with what value my sport holds in my life. As my teammate Amanda Winslow likes to say "I'm not running for a win." Because here's the thing: I know that God doesn't care if I win a foot race or not. He has offered a prize that is much greater than an All-American or Olympic medal.

Today as I was running, I started reminiscing some great moments I've had in my still-short running career. I do this sometimes to make it through a boring or tiring run. I replayed the day I won the ACC Steeplechase Championship in my head. One of my favorite memories I keep is when Coach Harvey came sprinting across the field and lifted me off the ground in congratulations and we were both just elated.

I wish that will happen again. Please happen again. Please happen again. What if it never happens again?!

Then it struck me. It WILL happen again. Just not in the same place I imagine it. It will be when I get to heaven. Jesus will scoop me up with a greater joy and excitement than I have ever felt from winning a race. From this image my pace on the trail quickens. I will face the prize I've truly been training for my whole life. And it will have little to do with the miles and times I ran. To be sure, 1 Corinthians 9:24 is not about a 10k (although some people will twist it that way). It's about the race of a lifetime.

"Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever." 1 Corinthians 9:25 begins the rest of the story.

What happens on the trails, how my training goes, or where I finish in my next race does not determine failure or success. I'll only fail if I don't live God's words. I'll only fail if I don't love. I'll only fail if I ignore God's plan for me.

After these images and thoughts play out, I look down at my watch. I've just clocked the fastest mile of my run...

Today's smoothie was something new to me:
2 figs, picked straight off my Dad's fig tree
1/4 cup cooked Jasmati rice
1/2 cup chocolate soymilk
ice cubes

Friday, July 6, 2012

Turn Around, Silly

Today on my run I was heading into some wind, and I, getting tired and frustrated, asked God, "Why does there have to be this stupid wind pushing against me?" He replied, "I actually have blessed you with the wind, just turn around silly!" So I did. That makes me wonder what other solutions are right under my nose...

Anyway, today's smoothie was green:
1 cup turnip greens
1/2 of a banana
1 stalk of celery
1 spoonful of maca
1 spoonful of ground flaxseed
a drop of almond extract
1/2 cup of almond milk

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hello July

It sure is heating up around here! This morning's run was the sweatiest yet and afterward I spent $1.75 on a homemade ice bath. I've been lazy and spending most of the time inside the air-conditioned house, but I am looking forward to this month. This week, I'm adding more miles to my summer running routine. My family will be attending 2 weddings. Mom, Dad, and I are preparing for a small triathlon on the 21st. After that, I'm hoping to take a one-night camping trip with my brother to Birmingham, which will entail a challenging run in Oak Mountain State Park. Oh, and I turn 22 this month! Tonight, we are kicking off July with dinner on the grill: ribs, black bean burgers made by me, and corn on the cob. I'll be watching the last night of the Olympic Track Team Trials on TV. The Olympics could not have come at a better time. Just the inspiration I needed to fire me up for my last year running at FSU.

This morning's smoothie was one of my more simple ones:
1/2 an avocado
a handful of strawberries
a handful of raspberries
a scoop of Vega vanilla almondilla energizing smoothie
spoonful of maca
1/2 cup almond milk
Served in a frosty mug with a mint chocolate JD Bar :)