Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Foodie Pen Pals

This summer I participated in a fun activity amongst foodies and bloggers called Foodie Pen Pals. Basically, it’s just a bunch of foodies exchanging boxes of goodies with each other. Both bloggers and blog-readers all across the country take part. The program is run by Lindsay at the The Lean Green Bean, and takes place once a month. Lindsay pairs everyone who signs up with someone to mail a package of unique food products to and somebody else to receive one from. On the 5th of the month, you get the name of the person who you are responsible for packing a box for. Everyone who is participating has until the 15th of the month to contact their pen pal for information and mail a package to them. It’s so much fun because first of all, you get mail (who doesn’t love getting a package?), and secondly, you get to meet other foodies, and thirdly, you get to try new things to eat! It costs a little money (about $15 worth of items plus shipping), but you can choose to participate just one month if you wish. I will not be able to keep doing it this fall due to a stricter budget. But it was well worth the it participating this summer!

Usually, anyone who blogs, reveals what they received in a post on the last day of the month. I was not able to do that this month because my box was delayed in arrival. But it finally came while I was out of town this weekend, and when I got home yesterday evening, it was waiting for me! I deliberately unpacked all my stuff from the trip and did all my “chores” for the day before I opened my special surprise.

My foodie pen pal this month was Melyssa. And she did a wonderful job! I got so many great things! And I’ve never had any of them before. Here is a picture of the contents:

Bon Appétit herbes de provence, Rising Moon Organics garlic & merlot pasta sauce, Dr. McDougall’s microwavable black bean & lime soup and Szechuan noodles, Just Great Stuff superberry acai bar, Enjoy Life Boom Choco Boom dark chocolate bar, and an assortment of tea.

I already ate the chocolate bar… along with my chocolate banana breakfast smoothie this morning. You can never have too much chocolate I believe.

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